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  1. 1孟买酒店Hotel Mumbai(2018)
  2. 2无敌乒乓兔Ping Pang Rabbit(2017)
  3. 3我曾是一只小臭鼬I Was a Teenage Wereskunk(2016)
  4. 4消失的西德尼·豪尔Sidney Hall(2017)
  5. 5派对搭讪秘诀How to Talk to Girls at Parties(2017)
  6. 6凡人乔Average Joe(2016)
  7. 7肮脏Dirty(2016)
  8. 8哲基尔岛的阴谋A Conspiracy on Jekyll Island(2017)
  9. 9第74届金球奖74th Golden Globe Awards(2017)
  10. 10彩虹小马:小马国女孩之森林传奇My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree(2016)
  11. 11曼蒂Mandy(2018)
  12. 12衍生玛约莉Marjorie Prime(2017)
  13. 13金·凯瑞和安迪·考夫曼:超越伟大Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond - The Story of Jim Carrey & Andy Kaufman Featuring a Very Special, Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton(2017)
  14. 14飞翔的意志The Will to Fly(2016)
  15. 15冰激凌车The Ice Cream Truck(2017)
  16. 16布恩维尔的救赎Boonville Redemption (2016)
  17. 17辛普森:美国制造O.J.: Made in America(2016)
  18. 18为了圣诞之爱For the Love of Christmas(2016)
  19. 19猫和老鼠:查理和巧克力工厂Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory(2017)
  20. 20与人为恶Backstabbing for Beginners (2018)
  21. 21位移Displacement(2017)
  22. 22小丑回魂Stephen King's IT (Part One)(2017)
  23. 23马斯顿教授与神奇女侠Professor Marston & the Wonder Women(2017)
  24. 24油漆泪滴Teardrops of PainT(2017)
  25. 25星际战神Arch Alien(2018)
  26. 26寻找阿拉斯加Looking for Alaska(2017)
  27. 27幼儿园教师The Kindergarten Teacher(2018)
  28. 28鬼娃回魂7Chucky 7(2018)
  29. 29真心话大冒险Truth or Dare(2018)
  30. 30掌上明珠And Then There Was Light(2017)